Practical online intensive

Dr. Jawahar Shah: Healing

bronchial asthma

Practical online intensive

Healing bronchial asthma

01 July 2021

  • Bronchial asthma, treatment approaches
    1. Features of the management of patients with bronchial asthma

    2. Definition and causes of bronchial asthma. Classification

    3. Asthma map : 25 commonly prescribed drugs that make it possible to achieve reliable healing in over 70% of cases

    4. Types of bronchial asthma. The first characteristic symptoms of asthma

    5. Miasmatic understanding of bronchial asthma

    6. The main factors that determine the positive dynamics of the case

    7. Psychosomatic features of patients with bronchial asthma

    8. The choice of a posologic plan based on the individualization of the case

    9. Questions on the first block
  • Cases of successful healings on the example of cases
    1. The art of interview

    2. The strategy of selecting rubrics for repertorization

    3. Analysis, synthesis, nosology, prognostics, treatment planning

    4. The reasoning the choice of the drug. Differential diagnosis

    5. Additional treatments. Nutrition for asthma

    6. Typical mistakes in case management
  • Q&A session
  • What does participation in the webinar give you
    1. Broadening homeopathic horizons and developing practical skills

    2. Live dialogue on the issues that have arisen with one of the outstanding masters of homeopathy of our time

    3. Gaining confidence in the management of patients with bronchial asthma

    4. Ability to accurately identify a homeopathic remedy and build a posological strategy

    5. Improving case management tactics
Why is it worth participating?
Dr. Jawahar Shah wrote a book on bronchial asthma, received a medical degree in bronchial asthma, and cured more than 13,000 asthma patients. Not only that: he developed an asthma repertory

Dr. Shah will share important practical and clinical advice that you can use in your practice from day one

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an experienced homeopath - there is something for everyone in this webinar

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